Fun Friday Questions

Friday, May 29, 2009

The tag was started by Preeti and since it is called Fun Friday and needs to be done on a Friday, so I am doing it without delaying it. So here goes the tag-

These are the 5 questions I had to answer to complete this tag-

I have just discovered --- Jerry Maguire and I am in awe of the character (Yeah people I hadn't seen the movie before)

One thing that I will unabashedly admit— I am very opinionated and stubborn. I take quick decisions and am often rutheless in communicating my thoughts.

One thing that I would never ever do, even if you pay me a million pounds— I don't know but I think I would not compromise on my core set of values.

Right now I’d rather be ---Sleeping (Yawn!!)

If I had to choose between a date with an ex (with no potential to make up) and a new office hottie (who is a dimwit) I’d choose— Whosoever is hotter :-)

Well anyone who feels like taking this Tag, go ahead and do it.

Posted by Prats at 11:43 PM