Monday, December 19, 2005
Sudden Realizations
This is one of the most costly blog entry I have ever made. Why? I am sitting in a class and as usual the professor sucks and now when I did some homework that what is it costing me to be here and listen to all this worthless nonsense is a fortune. It pains and trust me, it pains really hard. You know sometimes I wonder when I feel like this what the people who were working in really goood organizations and left their jobs, pay, office everything in hope to come here that they will get some decent value with a lot of business sense. You know why I feel MBA SUCKS is because this is what I am paying for my MBA-
Annual Fees in SIBM Rs90,000.00
Cost of laptop on account of 60% depreciation Rs30,000.00
Annual Salary which I would have got at TCS Rs206,000.00
(Micro Eco told me this is Opportunity Cost)
Interest @ Rate of 5% compunded 6 monthly) Rs16,503.75
Total Annual Cost I am paying to study at SIBM Rs342,503.75
Monthly cost of MBA Rs28,541.98
No. of Pd's in a month (Ideal Case) 144
Cost per Hour of every lecture at SIBM Rs198.21
So I am writing this blog for Rs. 198.21/hr andd trust me I would have really appreciated that I would have soemthing of business sense out of this money but whatever is going in this class I find writing this blog far more value adding as compared to listening to the class. To add to pain one of my very good friends sitting just at my back finds his interest in reading what I am writing instead of the class and for him this costs increases to Rs. 346.56 / lecture as he left a job after working for two years. I GUESS THE HONEYMOON IS OVER. And everyone is waiting for the MBA to get over and rock in the real corporate world to prove their mettle. Adieu!!!